Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation – Yellow & Brown leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Symptoms Leaves turning yellow and brown. Diagnosis Infestation of Thrips – Also known as thunder flies, are tiny insect species that can feed on the leaves of houseplants and cause them damage. They were causing damage and yellowing to the leaves. Treatment Clean the plant under…
Golden Dragon Tree – Brown Dying Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Golden Dragon Tree – Dracaena Fragrans Symptoms Brown Leaves Diagnosis Underwatering – Brown, dry leaves are usually a symptom of underwatering. Treatment Remove dead leaves, cut brown parts of those which are still alive and attached but have brown tips. Water when the soil dries out, put your finger and…
Corkscrew Albuca – Lost Fronds
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Corkscrew Albuca Symptoms Lost its fronds and has grown back to only thin ones that droop. Diagnosis For Albuca, there are usually two reasons why the foliage stretch and it’s usually overwatering or not enough sunlight. Treatment The plant should be moved to a sunnier spot, watering reduced and the…
Why Have Succulents and Cacti Become So Popular in The Last Few Years?
At the Highland Moss plant store, we see all kinds of different weird and wonderful houseplants come through our shop and be taken home by our wonderful customers. We have noticed in the last few years that one type of houseplant has surged in popularity and that is the succulent and cacti. These captivating and…
The Ultimate Guide to Identifying House Plant Pests: With Pictures of Pest and Damaged Plants
The most important part of preventing and treating common houseplant pests is the ability to identify them, understand what they look like, what kind of damage they cause and how they impact the plants. In this article, we will highlight all the different houseplant pests, their characteristics and how best to treat your houseplants. Each…
Marimo Moss Ball: Ultimate Care Guide and Facts for Your Water Pet (Aegagropila linnaei)
Commonly known as Marimo Moss balls, Aegagropila linnaei (Cladophora algea) are intriguing aquatic plants. Not only alluring with their lush green appearance, but their deep-rooted history in folklore across the whole globe, make them exceptional. This comprehensive guide will tell you the story of moss balls and explain how to look after them in the best way.
Selaginella Spike Moss- Dry Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Selaginella Symptoms Leaves were dry and brown. Diagnosis Sun Burn causing the leaves to dry out. Treatment Moving the plant away from direct sunlight and higher temperature. Dead and dry leaves can be removed and will hopefully come back. Prevention Keeping the plant out of direct sun and making sure…
Satin Pothos – White, ‘fluffy’ Mealy Bugs
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Satin Pothos Symptoms Large, white ‘fluffy’ insect found on leaf Diagnosis Mealy Bug – Due to the warmer weather, Mealy Bugs, wake up from winter and like to infest houseplants. Thankfully they are one of the easiest pests to get rid of. Treatment Rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and…
Philodendron – Yellow and Brown Tips on Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Philodendron Symptoms Yellowing edges on 80% of leaves. Brown spots with bright yellow line around Diagnosis Issues with the soil cause poor water circulation and resulted in fungal or bacterial leaf infection. Treatment Repotting into the fresh potting mix and a pot with drainage holes the best will be something…
Monstera Deliciosa ‘Cheese Plant’ – Pests & Yellowing Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Monstera Symptoms Yellowing/Browning leaves with tiny black insects on them. Diagnosis Thrips – Also known as thunder flies, are tiny insect species that can feed on the leaves of houseplants and cause them damage. They were causing damage and yellowing to the leaves. Treatment Clean the plant under a shower…
The Air Purifying Benefits of Houseplants: 5 Recommendations from Highland Moss!
Air purifying plants offer a range of benefits that extend beyond their aesthetic appeal. These green companions have the remarkable ability to naturally cleanse and enhance the air quality in indoor spaces. Air purifying houseplants will actively remove toxins and pollutants from the air through a process called phytoremediation. The presence of greenery has been…
Captivating Carnivores: Exploring the Enchanting World of Insect-Eating HousePlants
Welcome to the captivating realm of carnivorous houseplants! At Highland Moss, we are fascinated by the diverse and enchanting world of these unique botanical wonders. From Venus flytraps that snap shut on unsuspecting prey to pitcher plants that lure insects into their gooey traps, these extraordinary plants have evolved seriously cunning tactics to survive in…
Highland Moss’s Guide to Preserved Moss: What are the benefits and how to use it?
Preserved moss offers a natural and sustainable way to bring the beauty of the outdoors into your living spaces. Its versatility and longevity make it a popular choice for creative DIY projects, adding a touch of greenery and elegance to your home decor. Experiment with different applications and enjoy the endless possibilities that preserved moss…
In this blog post, we present a curated list of ten pet-friendly house plants that will not only brighten up your home but also ensure worry-free cohabitation with your beloved four-legged companions. All plants mentioned can be found in the pet-friendly section of our website as well as in-store on Constitution Steet in Aberdeen. Let’s dive into a world of lush foliage and pet-approved bliss!
The Best Terrarium Plants for Beginners – Beautiful and Easy to care
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the best terrarium plants. If you’re new to terrarium-making crafts or looking to expand your collection, we have curated a list of carefully selected plants that will thrive in your mini ecosystem. This article will explore the best terrarium plants with each plant’s unique characteristics and provide detailed care…
The Monstera Thai Constellation: Explaining Variegation and Share Essential Care Tips
All you need to know about Monstera Thai Constellation before buying! How to look after the plant, if variegation will revert and why is growing slowly. We will answer all those questions in this article. What is variegation? Stable Variegation of Thai Constellation Thai Constellation has been created by a genetic mutation that affects the…
5 Benefits of Moss: Why it’s Great for Your Garden
Moss is a versatile plant which can be used in a variety of indoor and outdoor projects and offers a lot of benefits for your garden. While some may view moss as a nuisance or simply a weed growing in a dark corner of their garden, it can actually be a valuable addition to your…
Black And White Dots on Leaves: Pests Or Exudate
It is not uncommon for inexperienced gardeners to mistake the black and white dots left by exudate for signs of a plant pest infestation. However, understanding the difference between the two is crucial for proper plant care and treatment. Unlike pest damage, which typically results in irregular patterns, damaged layers of leaves or chewed edges,…
Terrarium with fungus gnats
Introduction The Plant Hospital at Highland Moss is a one-of-a-kind service dedicated to assisting plant enthusiasts in restoring their beloved houseplants to optimal health. Our team of plant care experts specialises in diagnosing and treating a wide range of plant issues, providing personalised advice and guidance to help customers breathe new life into their indoor…
Relax and Revitalise Your Senses with Fresh Eucalyptus – A Natural Home Spa Experience
Eucalyptus is an aromatic tree from the Myrtaceae family native to Australia and known for its medicinal properties and has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and relieve many health issues. This article will introduce you to our fresh eucalyptus and its benefits as well as explain how it can enhance your daily shower…
Springtails: The Ultimate Cleaning Crew of Your Bio-Active Terrariums and Vivariums
When it comes to maintaining a healthy and thriving environment for your bio-active terrariums or vivariums, springtails are an essential component which makes creating a self-sustainable eco-system much easier. These tiny, white, wingless insects are nature’s ultimate cleaning crew who consume organic waste products and breaks them down into nutrients that can be used by…
Eliminating Fungus Gnats Naturally: The Benefits Of Carnivorous Plants in Your Home
Do you want to learn a cost-effective, simple, and natural way to get rid of fungus gnats? Check out the article below to discover how to eliminate and prevent a fungus gnat infestation without using harmful pesticides. What are Fungus Gnats? Fungus gnats are tiny, black, long-legged flying insects that feed on the roots and…
Mother’s Day Gifts: The Symbolic Meaning Behind 5 Top Houseplants
Houseplants have become a new sustainable alternative to cut flowers, and for good reason. Not only are they usually a better value for your money, but they also last much longer and come with a string of benefits such as improved mood, productivity and cleaner air. This year, consider giving your mother a lovely houseplant…
How to Rescue Overwatered Orchid with Root Rot And Yellow Leaves
Orchids are one of the most popular indoor plants that people love to keep in their homes and give as a gift. However, taking care of orchids can be a bit tricky are require some knowledge about plants’ basic needs. Overwatering is one of the most common problems that many orchid growers face. Overwatering can…
Kokedama’s Floating Planets: Transform Your Indoor Plants into Levitating Masterpieces
Plants for Kokedama The best plants for kokedama are those that prefer a moist soil environment and higher humidity including: Remember to avoid plants like for example succulents or cacti as they prefer a dry soil environment, and the soaking required to keep the moss green may cause root rot. What You Need Kokedama at…
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