Silver Lady Fern – Brown Dry Tips
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Blechnum Gibbum ‘Silver Lady’ Fern Symptoms Leaf tips were dry and brown. Diagnosis Mixture of Dry Leaves and Low Temperatures Treatment Increase the humidity and average temperature of the houseplant. This can be done with a tray of water and some leca pebbles. Dry tips won’t heal but new leaves should…

Pink Lady Creeping Turtle Vine – Dying Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Callisia Repens Symptoms Leaves were dying from the roots Diagnosis Overwatering leading to possible rot. Treatment Watering the plant less often and allowing for the soil to dry out before watering again. Recommended if stems were damaged in the middle, not attached with a healthy part to the soil, try…

Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation – Yellow & Brown leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Symptoms Leaves turning yellow and brown. Diagnosis Infestation of Thrips – Also known as thunder flies, are tiny insect species that can feed on the leaves of houseplants and cause them damage. They were causing damage and yellowing to the leaves. Treatment Clean the plant under…

Golden Dragon Tree – Brown Dying Leaves
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Golden Dragon Tree – Dracaena Fragrans Symptoms Brown Leaves Diagnosis Underwatering – Brown, dry leaves are usually a symptom of underwatering. Treatment Remove dead leaves, cut brown parts of those which are still alive and attached but have brown tips. Water when the soil dries out, put your finger and…

Corkscrew Albuca – Lost Fronds
Diagnosis & Prescription Patient Name Corkscrew Albuca Symptoms Lost its fronds and has grown back to only thin ones that droop. Diagnosis For Albuca, there are usually two reasons why the foliage stretch and it’s usually overwatering or not enough sunlight. Treatment The plant should be moved to a sunnier spot, watering reduced and the…

Why Have Succulents and Cacti Become So Popular in The Last Few Years?
At the Highland Moss plant store, we see all kinds of different weird and wonderful houseplants come through our shop and be taken home by our wonderful customers. We have noticed in the last few years that one type of houseplant has surged in popularity and that is the succulent and cacti. These captivating and…

The Ultimate Guide to Identifying House Plant Pests: With Pictures of Pest and Damaged Plants
The most important part of preventing and treating common houseplant pests is the ability to identify them, understand what they look like, what kind of damage they cause and how they impact the plants. In this article, we will highlight all the different houseplant pests, their characteristics and how best to treat your houseplants. Each…