Marimo Moss Ball: Ultimate Care Guide and Facts for Your Water Pet (Aegagropila linnaei)
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Marimo Moss Ball: Ultimate Care Guide and Facts for Your Water Pet (Aegagropila linnaei)

Commonly known as Marimo Moss balls, Aegagropila linnaei (Cladophora algea) are intriguing aquatic plants. Not only alluring with their lush green appearance, but their deep-rooted history in folklore across the whole globe, make them exceptional. This comprehensive guide will tell you the story of moss balls and explain how to look after them in the best way.

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Philodendron – Yellow and Brown Tips on Leaves

Diagnosis & Prescription  Patient Name Philodendron Symptoms Yellowing edges on 80% of leaves. Brown spots with bright yellow line around Diagnosis  Issues with the soil cause poor water circulation and resulted in fungal or bacterial leaf infection.  Treatment Repotting into the fresh potting mix and a pot with drainage holes the best will be something…

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Monstera Deliciosa ‘Cheese Plant’ – Pests & Yellowing Leaves

Diagnosis & Prescription  Patient Name Monstera Symptoms Yellowing/Browning leaves with tiny black insects on them. Diagnosis  Thrips – Also known as thunder flies, are tiny insect species that can feed on the leaves of houseplants and cause them damage. They were causing damage and yellowing to the leaves. Treatment Clean the plant under a shower…

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The Air Purifying Benefits of Houseplants: 5 Recommendations from Highland Moss!

Air purifying plants offer a range of benefits that extend beyond their aesthetic appeal. These green companions have the remarkable ability to naturally cleanse and enhance the air quality in indoor spaces. Air purifying houseplants will actively remove toxins and pollutants from the air through a process called phytoremediation. The presence of greenery has been…

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Captivating Carnivores: Exploring the Enchanting World of Insect-Eating HousePlants

Welcome to the captivating realm of carnivorous houseplants! At Highland Moss, we are fascinated by the diverse and enchanting world of these unique botanical wonders. From Venus flytraps that snap shut on unsuspecting prey to pitcher plants that lure insects into their gooey traps, these extraordinary plants have evolved seriously cunning tactics to survive in…

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