Must have for Fern lovers and perfect also for a terrarium! This low-maintenance and air-purifier houseplant can tolerate a very low level of sunlight!
This plant loves high humidity and will thrive in shaded spots and in high-sunlight locations. This plant is not very picky and grows pretty fast so good even for people with little plant experience.
Water when the soil slightly dries out (top half of the pot) and doesn’t keep the soil dry for too long time. Perfect for a terrarium or warm and humid bathroom or kitchen.
This plant is not toxic if eaten by pets.
Must have for Fern lovers and perfect also for a terrarium! This low-maintenance and air-purifier houseplant can tolerate a very low level of sunlight!Be
This plant loves high humidity and will thrive in shaded spots and in high-sunlight locations. This plant is not very picky and grows pretty fast so good even for people with little plant experience.
Water when the soil slightly dries out (top half of the pot) and doesn’t keep the soil dry for too long time. Perfect for a terrarium or warm and humid bathroom or kitchen.
This plant is not toxic if eaten by pets.
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