How to make a terrarium

How to make a terrarium

What is a Terrarium? The term ‘terrarium’ was first used in the late 1800’s. It orginated from the word ‘aquarium’ from Latin and Greek where ‘aqua’ (water) has been replaced by ‘terra’ (land) and ‘rium’ (receptacle). One of the oldest terrariums still in existence hasn’t been opened in over 40 years! A terrarium is a…

highland moss sustainable

A few words about moss

What is moss? Moss is part of a big family of Bryophytes which include mosses, liveworts and hornworts. These are mainly green, flowerless plants which reproduce by spores or asexual tubes. Mosses are very low in the evolution stage and haven’t formed a way to bloom. However, they are one of the most adaptable plants…

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