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This beautiful and easy-to-care plant from Peru is also called the Cereus peruvianus forma spirale, Twisted Cereus, Cereus peruvianous tortuous, Twisted Cactus, Spiral Succulent and Contorted Cereus.
Cereus forbesii Spiralis is a beautiful and unique-looking trunkless cactus that has a blue-green, spiral stem hence the common name spiral or twisted cactus. Hassle to free care and unusual look make the cactus a perfect plant for a gift for those who just started their adventure with plants but want to add something different to their collection. The plant will thrive in a bright light and can survive a pretty long period without watering. Be careful not to overwater the plant as easily can catch roots rot!
The plant is not toxic to humans and pests.
This unusual plant will work perfectly at home or the workplace and is perfect for beginners or busy individuals as requires minimum care and thrives neglected!
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1 review for Cereus Forbesii Spiral Cactus 10cm pot