Full Spectrum Lights

  • Full Spectrum White Grow Light PIANTA with E27 fitting, warm natural light for houseplants, terrariums, and variegated plants.close up of a pianta full spectrum grow light on off white background

    Full Spectrum Grow Light PIANTA


    Full Spectrum Grow Light PIANTA: Bring the Sunlight Indoors

    Looking to create a thriving indoor jungle without the need for natural sunlight? The Full Spectrum Grow Light PIANTA is your perfect solution. Using the latest Samsung LED technology, this energy-efficient grow light supports every stage of plant growth while emitting warm, natural light that enhances the beauty of your home or workspace.

  • Mini Full Spectrum Grow Light


    Full Spectrum Grow Lights are the perfect solution for those who want to grow thriving jungle but lack natural sunlight at their home or workplace. This full-spectrum light uses the LED technology which will help you at every stage of growth in an energy-efficient way. Compact size is suitable for small shelf, windowsill or a desk.

    Full spectrum artificial light is designed to mimic the natural light spectrum of sunlight. It provides a wide range of wavelengths, covering all the colours visible to the human eyes, from violet to red, as well as a portion of ultraviolet and infrared light not visible but present in natural outdoor sunlight.

    Ideal for herbs, variegated plants, succulents, cacti and cuttings during the propagation process.