Our thank you for shopping with us.
We’ve created our loyalty system to thank our amazing customers who continue to shop with us regularly. Whether you’re picking up a new moss pole or adding plant gifts to your collection, your support keeps us inspired to work harder and bring you the very best we have to offer. Signing up is completely free! Simply create an account with us, and if you already have one—fantastic! You can view your points dashboard at any time from your account page. As a bonus, when you sign up, you’ll instantly receive 25 points to kickstart your rewards journey!
How to earn points
It is easy to get started, just sign up and start ordering and points will come rolling in. But there are lots of extra ways to earn too, even without making a purchase!
Make sure you are logged in when ordering so you can earn points. If you are shopping locally with us at our shop in Aberdeen you can use the app or website and head to ‘My Loyalty ID’ to show us your unique QR code. We will scan this to assign you your points. At this time you can’t spend points with us in store, but you can always order online and use our local collection option if you want to spend points!Points for purchase
Earn 1 point for every £2 you spend.
Once you earn enough points, you can cash these in for a discount on your order.
Refer a friend
Use your unique link in the Points & Rewards page to earn bonus points for both you and your friends.
All they have to do is sign up and place an order and you will both receive 50 points each.
Add your birthday
In the Points & Rewards area, you can add your birthday to get a special bonus points package on your special day.
Leave a review
Earn points even after your order. For every review you leave you will get bonus points added to your account.
We will automatically email you with a link to review your order a few days after the order is completed.
Share us on Facebook
In the Points & Rewards area you can share our shop with your friends on Facebook.
For doing this we will send you some free bonus points.
And more…
We are always adding more ways to earn. We have some special ways already set up.
Place 10 orders of £50 or more for a sweet 100 points deposit or just place 5 orders and get 50 bonus points too!
Level up for more rewards
As you earn more points over time, you can level up and unlock more rewards.



How to spend points and claim rewards
To check your points balance, claim rewards, generate coupons and everything else just log in and head over to your Points & Rewards page.
From here you can see everything you have earned, your progress to the next level and what you can claim now. You can also see other rewards which you may want to save points for in the future.