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  • Soleirolia Soleirolii Irish Moss Baby Tears Hanging & Trailing baby plant 2Soleirolia Soleirolii Irish Moss Baby Tears Hanging & Trailing baby plant 3

    Soleirolia Soleirolii Irish Moss Baby Tears


    Soleirolia Soleirolii sometimes is called also Irish Moss, Baby’s Tears and Mind Your Business plant! This creeping plant has tiny, round & delicate looking bright green leaves. When growing creating green carpets can be also a little bit hanging.

    This plant will thrive also in terrariums!

    The plant is very, very fragile and the bottom leaves can get damaged in transit but also grows pretty fast so if you notice any damaged leaves after receiving this plant please remove them with a sharp tool :)

    Keep in a bright spot and make sure the soil stays slightly moist all the time. Higher humidity will make this plant super happy.

    The plant is pet-friendly!

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